News Polls

Us Dancers are an opinionated lot, we have an opinion on everything!

Listed below are the current 'Polls' we have online, take a look and see if you agree with your peers.

Add a New Vogue Dance

There are some who want to expand the New Vogue range of Dances. Take a look at the list and see if you like any of the contenders.

New Vogue Dance to Remove

So let's balance the New Vogue equation by letting you vote for a New Vogue dance to remove, if any.


Who should weild that power? Adjudicator, Chairman, Invigilator, nobody?

Length of Music

Music too short, can't strut your stuff. Too long and you're gonna die! What's your perfect music length?


How do you want us to notify you when new info is posted to the site?