Terms & Conditions

The following 'Terms & Conditions' are all about 'Fair Play Usage' of the DanceSportLive 'Buy n Sell' system.

These 'Terms n Conditions' are very basic but they may be ammended at any time.'

DanceSportLive will not tolerate any offensive material being posted to the site. Accounts which post such material will be deleted immediately. Please report any offensive or misleading adverts through the 'Contact Us' page.

There is no limitation as to the amount of adverts that can be uploaded to the system ... however any account that 'swamps' the advert feed by posting numerous adverts thus depriving others from 'fair' display will be deleted. For example, posting 20 adverts at one time would be considered unfair to other users, posting 20 adverts over a fe weeks would be fair usage as it would not affect other advertisers.






